What’s New for Spring 2025?

Truthfully, there are not a LOT of new things this season—but there are a few old things that we brought back! And if you didn’t sell with us in 2024 then it might ALL seem NEWto you!

  • First, the obvious (because you’re here!)- We have a NEW WEBSITE! It was time y’all! The Consignor Guides page is amazing and you should be able to find everything you need there, including the Cheat Sheet and the Tagging Videos

  • If you weren’t a seller with us in 2024 then the location will be new to you! We are in downtown Mooresville at the Charles Mack Citizen Center at 215 N Main St (just 7 blocks north of our old location at the mill) We will be on site from Sunday March 23rd- Sunday March 30th. There will be Sunday drop-off from the side of the building and a chance for you to pay $25 for Drop & Go (where we put out ALL of your stuff for you.)

  • The categories have been reduced and simplified! (no more Girls Tops, Boys Outfits etc) just Girls Clothing and Boys Clothing for sizes 24M-Kids 18, Infant Clothing Girls & Infant Clothing Boys for sizes Newborn to 18-24M, and Teen Girls and Teen Boys Clothing in sizes XXS-XXL. Books and Accessories are easier too and there is a published list of all the categories here on the website that you can peruse before you start! And just a note: we will still hang them by Bottoms, Tops, Outfits and PJ’s.

  • There are some new limits. You may bring 350 items. Only 200 of those may be hanging clothing. Of those 200 hanging items, only 50 per gender may be infant clothing and only 20 may be Teen Girls Clothing. Accessories are limited to 20. Teen Shoes over the size of 7.5 are limited to 12 pair per gender. Decor & More items are limited to 20 as well.

  • We are accepting Maternity clothing again! You may bring 12 pieces. Those 12 pieces do not count in your 200 limit.

  • A “newish” thing is the timing of pick-up and the structure of the 75% off sale. Pick-up of unsold items will be on Saturday evening from 5-7 pm durning the last hours of 50% off shopping. The registers will remain open so that you can shop and pick- up at the same time! (and as an emergency, on Sunday morning from 8:30-9:30) YOU will find and pick up anything that you do not wish to sell for 75% off. Nothing will be moved from the place YOU left it at drop off. Come in, grab the things you want back and leave the rest to sell at 75% off or be donated. Easy Peasy. EVERYTHING THAT IS LEFT will be sold for 75% off on Sunday from 11-3. Everything. (Yes, even the stuff marked “Discount: NO”) If you left it and did not pick it up, We will sell it at 75% off.

  • Also “newish”-Inspect your items thoroughly at home because there is now a $1.00/item penalty for declined items. That is BIG and NEW back from July of 2022. If you have more than 5 of these sub-par items your fines double. The good news is that you can make $1 each on every one that you find that belongs to someone else.

  • It’s not exactly new that we strongly encourage all our sellers to mark their items to discount & donate (and not return for pick up) sellers who do, will be rewarded with that hour earlier shopping time and a $15 shopping credit! The base rate remains at 60% if you cannot work at least three shifts. FYI: for the average consignor that 5% difference is only $20 or less in their check but the difference in break down time, angst reduction for our staff, and sell-through rate for the sale as a whole, is enormous and we are giving you the early shopping and $15 credit instead! Plus, our shoppers love that 75% off day!

  • You can make lots of extra $ by inviting people to the Friends of Consignors shopping time and by becoming a Sail Again Ambassador/Consignor Coach or by acting as an Instagram micro-influencer. Reach out if you have interest.

  • Not new but important to know: We pay via PayPal direct deposit to the email address that you entered into your MyCM account. Those payment go out within 11 business days of sale close.

  • Also not new but just a reminder: If you’d like to make more money at the Sail, you should spend a bit of time reviewing our new hiring policy. We haven’t used volunteers in several seasons. Instead, we hire temporary seasonal employees and pay them $30/4 hour shift. The Join our Crew page has all the deets.

So, there are a few new things after all . . .but it’s still the same great Sail! See you there!