Presale Opportunities:
You can BUY (or register for) a Ticket to Shop Early!
Wednesday, March 26th
6:30 PM - Shop Like a Sailor Presale ($18 advance ticket) (only $15.00 each if you buy two and bring a friend!)
Paid ticketed early shopping that includes the 5 -Day All Access Pass You may shop anytime that we are open after 6:30pm on Wednesday.
Thursday, March 27th
10:00 AM-9PM Charity Presale Day ($12 advance ticket)
Paid ticketed early shopping that includes the 4 -Day All Access Pass You may shop anytime that we are open after 10am on Thursday. *****New & Expecting Parents, Grandparents shop at 3:30 for FREE. Teachers & First Responders also shop for free at 4:30 or they may get a 1 hour Head Start! and enter at 9AM with the paid ALL DAY TICKET!
Community Sneak Peek Presale 6:30-9pm
Free at 6:30 PM but you have to REGISTER
Click HERE to claim your ticket!
Open to the Community
No Registration or Ticket Required
Friday March 28th -Community Shopping Day!
9AM-9PM Open to the Public
Super Savings Saturday-50% off Most Items
Saturday, March 29th
8AM-9AM Early Bird Entry- $5 at the the door
9AM-7PM 50% off MOST items Open to the Public
Super Duper Savings Sunday-75% off All Items
Sunday, March 30th
10:30AM Early Bird Entry $5 at the door
11AM-2PM 75% off EVERY item in the store! Open to the Public
Shopping for Sellers & Crew
Crew, consignors & Golden Ticket Holders Get Early access!
Sail Crew Shops First!
Usually on Tues Night & Wed Morning. Get details here!
Sellers Shop Next!
Usually on Wednesday afternoon. Find those times here.
Golden Ticket Holder Shopping!
Usually Wednesday at 3 pm,