How You Get Paid
Our standard sellers who do not mark all their items for donation, receive 60% of their sales. Sellers who work at least 3 shifts receive 65% of their sales.
Proceeds are distributed via PayPal direct deposit sometime before the 11th business day after sale close to the email address you provided when you first established an account at a My Consignment Manager sale. This is the only account number we have for you and we will not edit it. (You can edit it in your MYCM profile if you like and then that’s where you will get all our correspondence)
Everyone is first paid by via PayPal mass payment to that email address. If the money is not claimed, PayPal may alert your via an email that you have money and ask you what you’d like to do about it. PayPal will definitely alert us (in the form of a list) of all the people who have not claimed their $$, 30 days after payments go out, At that time, PayPal will return that money to our account and we will send you a check. (Note: this happens with fewer than 10 sellers each season! You can figure this out.) Questions? Please contact Tammy & Sail Again, via email at and I will be happy to assist you. But please , please please resist the urge to contact me on more than one forum! It just slows the process! Thank you
Also . . .it takes time after the event to balance accounts, unload trucks, reacquaint with family etc., so while we “promise” payment no later than 15 days (11 business days) after the event you should also know that it most often hits your account between days 10 and 12 (Wed-Fri of week 2)
A NotE About Adjustments and YOur % in the system
Everyone first defaults to 60%. (EVERYONE! even the owner and staff!) Then, about a week to 10 days after the sale, just before payouts, each individual account is reviewed and any necessary adjustments for % and sales dollars are made. Adjustments might be required because you invited people to the Friends of Consignors Presale, or because you won a contest, because you worked extra shifts or because of a refund, an item you missed at pick-up, or a stained item that was turned in to us. These adjustments are manual and individual for all 500+ of you and we are committed to taking the time to get them right! This process (and the time it takes for our merchant processor, bank and PayPal to process transfers) is why it takes nearly 2 weeks to send payments. Just 6 minutes each spent on 500 accounts is 3000 minutes . . .50 hours. Your patience is so appreciated.