Welcome Sailors!
Thank you for choosing to Sail with us.
We can’t wait to see you at The charles mack citizen Center in mooresville, March 26th-30th.
If you are NEW here, or maybe just poking around and looking for info to help you decide if you’d like to sell with us, and if you want to read a little more about why we think you should then please click this link for some more info and some awesome details.
Already convinced? Then just read quickly through this page and you’ll be ready to register!
Registration OPENs December 30th!
EVERY SINGLE THING YOU NEED TO KNOW ABOUT SELLING WITH US WILL BE ON THIS PAGE! That means this page is a bit long and you should expect it to change and be updated often as we get closer to the event!
Scroll down for a quick summary and links to Guides, Key Dates and Video “How-To’s”. Detailed info on tagging, pricing, the categories we accept, etc. can be found in the Consignor Guides section that is highlighted at the top & bottom of every page. There’s a one-page Cheat Sheet too!
No time for all that? Do you feel confident that you know what you’re doing? Ok, then, all you need to do is:
1) Register (Use the button below)
2) Use the one-page Cheat Sheet w/Videos (There’s a button for that too)
3) Drop-off (There is a link for that on the Cheat Sheet)
4) Shop! (Yep, there is a schedule button too!)
5) Get Paid! (You guessed it . . . a button!)
Yes, it’s true. I could have just turned all those words into links but I like the button short cuts! What I’d really like is for you to scroll through the quick summary of updates below! Go ahead! Odds are you’ll learn something you didn’t know!
Here’s a very quick SUMMARY of what you’ll want to know . . .
Sail Again’s SPRING/SUMMER Sail March 26-30 2025
Standard Consignor: Bring up to 350 items. 200 may be hanging clothing Retain 60% of your sales (or 65% if you crew for at least 3 shifts) Drop off items at Charles Mack by appointment on Sunday March 23rd. The non-refundable registration fee is $15 ($18 for late registrants)
Valet Consignor, Have a helper who prices & delivers your items to the venue. Pay an extra $20 supply fee. Retain 40% of your sales (make even more by inviting shoppers) Get your prepped items to your tagger by Sunday February 2nd.
Swap & Shop Consignor. NEW! (and limited!) Bring between 50 and 150 items to the venue. We will do ALL the pricing & tagging work on site! Swap them out 3 for 1 for an on-the- spot shopping credit and a donations receipt for what doesn’t sell. It’s the EASY BUTTON. Spots are very limited.
Whichever way you choose, FIRST you’ll need to register. Then email us at sailagainlkn@gmail.com and copy our Valet Manager, Kristie at kpurvis1@yahoo.com and let us know that you’d like the Valet or Swap & Shop options. Register here.
So, so, so, so many!
—-Invite shoppers to come buy your stuff by sharing on social media and winning contests.
—-Invite shoppers to our Friends of Consignors Presale and earn an additional 1% for each shopper who shows your pass.
—-Become a Sail Again Ambassador! Ambassadors are consignor coaches. Got a friend or two (or 5) that you want to introduce to consignment? Sign up for our ambassador program and earn 5% of their sales for the next 2 events they participate in! There are some rules and restrictions of course but reach out to us at sailagainlkn@gmail.com if you’d like to be a part of the Ambassador Team!
—-Mark everything to Discount and Donate
OR . . .sign up to work a shift or two as part of our crew. You’ll keep an extra 5% of your sales if you work just 3 shifts AND earn shopping credits AND get paid $30/4 hour shift.
Your shopping pass is included in your registration fee. As long as you tag and drop off at least 50 items (or $200 worth of stuff) you can shop any time that we are open after your first time without having to pay more! Just show the consignor pass you received at drop off.
Consignor shopping is at
4:30 on Wednesday for DONATE ALL Consignors and at
5:30 on Wednesday for Consignors who are picking up unsold items.
You may bring one guest!
Early Half-Off shopping for All Consignors is Friday at 6:30 pm.
They (YOU!) get paid by the hour, keep 65% of their sales if they work at least 3 shifts, and get to shop FIRST! Our team is paid $30 per 4 hour shift. Find out more about how much fun it is to help create the sale for others by clicking the Join our Crew tab.
—-Infant clothing is limited to 50 per gender between the sizes of 0 & 18M.
—-Teen girls clothing is limited to 20 pieces total per seller, regardless of size.
—-Decor & More items are limited to 20.
—-Accessories are limited to 20 per seller.
—-This is our Spring/Summer event. Outdoor Toys, Water Toys, and Sports Equipment are all great sellers. Clothing items MUST be on a hanger.
—-The minimum price allowed by the system is $4.00. You should bundle your items to make sure they are valued at at least $4. (the only exceptions are books, some small toys & accessories which may be priced as low as $2.50) Bundling them is still a good idea though!
—- Click here for a list of things we do and don’t accept and a list of the categories you can choose from in the online system.
You, our crew & consignors, are our BEST inspectors! So, we’re going to pay you to do it! What? Yep! Carefully inspect all your items at home (and again when you put it in the car and one more time when you take it out and then again when you place it on the sales floor!) because your fellow consignors/shoppers now make $$$ on your mistakes.
Crew & Consignor shopping time is now known as INSPECT & SHOP. Seriously, you’re sifting through those racks with a fine tooth comb anyway so we’re going to pay you $1 in shopping credit/coupon for every “not up to par” item you find and pull off the rack. AND . . .we’ll charge that dollar to the seller whose item it is (subtracted from proceeds) Fines are doubled if you have more than 5 sub-par items.
Note: Presale Shoppers who are not consignors can also cash in on this coupon! We put up signs throughout the venue specifically inviting them to search! To avoid fines, you must thoroughly inspect your items and pledge to bring us only your best. And finally . . .don’t forget that items returned as broken or with missing pieces incur BIG fines (1.5 times the price of the item!) Double jeopardy: if you have more than 5 items “turned in” then those fines double!! It’s definitely in your best interest to inspect your own things and bring only your best!
Please please please read the guide on this. It’s updated! (there’s a 20 item limit per seller on Teen Girls sizes) AND it’s the easiest that it has ever been. Use the categories Teen Girl Clothing and Teen Boy Clothing Both genders now have the S,M,L sizing options. REACH OUT if you need clarification! Find that guide HERE
Use the categories Infant Clothing-Boy and Infant Clothing-Girl for all clothing that is sized Preemie through 18-24m. There is a 50 item limit per gender across the entire range of infant sizes .
We limit the amount of infant clothing we accept because we know how much of it we can sell! There are a lot of great NWT/ never worn/got it as a gift pieces!
Pricing competitively is super important in these sizes.
Find more details HERE.
Yes, PayPal, at around 10 business days (2 weeks) after sale close, to the email address-your account number- that YOU entered when you first acquired an account with MyConsignmentManager. (Please note: it doesn’t matter how you paid. It matters which address you offered when you got your account with MYCM. That is the only email address that we have on file for you)
If you ABSOLUTELY can not make PayPal work, a check can be cut 30 days after the PayPal payments go out. There is a $3 fee for this service.
It is called Sail Again Consignors Group and once you are registered, you can (and should!) join here. It’s not just for newbies! We communicate there a lot! There are always seasoned consignors there who are willing to help.
We host drop-off for most of the day on Sunday, and for much of the day on Monday. (We will likely have some Tuesday morning spots available too) Please know that we will do our best to work with you to find a way (time) for you to get your stuff to us! The easiest and best way though is for you to make an appointment and then arrive at that time.
There will be signage to assist you. Maps and drop off instructions will be linked on the Cheat Sheet within 2 weeks of the sale. If you‘d like a bit more info on what to expect ahead of that time, you may click here.
Yep! SATURDAY NIGHT from 5-7pm (or on Sunday morning from 8am-9am) and YES, before the 75% off sale! Mark everything to donate and you don’t have to come back (and you’ll sell more too!) Everything not picked up will be offered for sale at 75% off on Sunday!
. . . to the first 500 paid & registered OR to the first 75,000 tags entered (whichever comes first!!) YES! We are getting smaller and more curated by design! Our plan is for each of our individual consignors to sell MORE . . . and it’s working! Please note, once we reach our limit the sale will automatically close registration and/or shut down for entering new items
Go ahead! Do it now!
When you begin registration, go ahead and pay & complete.
Once you’re “complete”, you can start tagging and getting your stuff in the system!
In order to qualify for early bird registration, your consignor fee must be paid online using PayPal or Credit Card.
Click here to register and then here to download our one-page Consignor Cheat Sheet with video links!
Need more details? Find them on the Consignor Guides tab.
Consignor Agreement
In order to participate in any Sail Again Event, our sellers have always had to sign off on the Consignor Agreement when registering and then sign that they understand they’re bound by it when they drop off their items. Sure, we know you signed off on it when you completed your registration but . . . we thought you might like to read it again . . . either before or after that, so we are linking it here. Please familiarize yourself with the document and be prepared to sign that you have read it when you come to drop off.
All the Important Dates & Times for Sellers:
Consignor Fees & Dates:
Registration opens December 30th, Drop-off Appointments and Crew Shifts will open by February 1st! Fees are paid each season to participate. Previous sellers will usually be offered a chance to register a few days early. Consignor fees are non-refundable because they reserve your spot. If for some reason, you can not participate as a seller, you may exchange your registration for an early access ticket to shop at the Shop Like a Sailor Presale. (Wed night at 6:30)
$15.00 Registration: ($18 late registration after March 1st) Registration will automatically close when we reach capacity You may register and claim you spot HERE.
Online Tagging Deadline: Monday, March 24th @ 11:59pm
Drop Off Dates: By Appointment, Sunday, March 23 (likely Mon evening March 24th too)
Consignor Shopping:
Consignors have an “All-Access” pass which means that you can shop anytime we are open after your listed shopping time. Come back every day and stay from open to close if you want! We will be happy to welcome you!
Daytime First Dibs Consignor Shopping: Wednesday March 26th, 3pm. Can’t work on our team, but need to shop early? You may “buy up” your shopping time and enjoy chaos free shopping with less than 50 other Sail Again Insiders. The ticket cost for consignors is $30. You may purchase up to 2. A sign up link will come via email or you may bring cash to drop off. Line up at 2:45 for 3pm shopping. Note: this is also the Golden Ticket shopping time.
Donate All Consignor Shopping: Wednesday, March 26th 4pm line up and 4:30pm shopping for those consignors marking everything to donate. You may bring 1 guest This is a perk for those who have marked everything to donate and who will not be returning for pick-up!
Consignor Shopping: Wednesday, March 26th 5pm line up and 5:30pm shopping for consignors planning to pick up unsold items. You may bring 1 guest
Friends of Consignors Presale: Thursday, (not Wednesday!) March 27th at 5:30pm (this is a shopping time for your friends!) Invite everyone you know. Consignors will earn an additional 1% of their proceeds for every shopper that shows the FOC pass between 5:30pm & 6:30pm.
Consignor 50% off select merchandise Presale:
Friday, March 28th 6pm line up. Shop 6:30pm-9pm, You may bring one guestConsignor 75% off select merchandise Presale:
Sunday, March 30th 10am line up. Shop 10:30am-2pm
Consignor Pick-Up
Saturday, August 30th 5pm-7pm during shopping-registers are open, with an emergency time on Sunday morning, March 30th from 8am-9am
Consignor Payouts
Consignors are paid via PayPal direct deposit before the 11th business day after sale close to the email address you provided when you first established an account at a My Consignment Manager sale. This is the only account number we have for you and we will not edit it. (You can edit it in your MYCM profile if you like and then that’s where you will get all our correspondence)
Everyone is first paid via PayPal mass payment to that email address. If the money is not claimed, PayPal may alert your via an email that you have money and ask you what you’d like to do about it. PayPal will definitely alert us (in the form of a list) of all the people who have not claimed their $ at the 30 day mark. At that point, PayPal returns any unclaimed money to our account and that triggers the check writing. 30 days after payments go out, after PayPal returns the money to us, we can send you a check. (Note: this happens with fewer than 10 sellers each season! We can figure this out.) Questions? Please contact us via email at sailagainlkn@gmail.com and we will be happy to assist you.
Consignor Resources
Here’s the LINK to the Consignor Guides Page. You’ll find ALL the details there! (the Cheat Sheet, the Videos, all the Guides & Tutorials etc. etc. or . . . click HERE to skip to the page that’s all about tagging or HERE to go straight to the Videos.